About me

Hi, my name is Julie and I live on a small property in the South West region of Western Australia with hubby and two retired horses, Bill and Chilli. Soon we will have chooks!
I am the owner and creator of Sesenarts ( both on Madeit and Etsy) and Sesenarts and Crafts, featuring textile fashion accessories plus arts and crafts.
I'll try not to be boring but will probably pop in all bits and bobs to do with art I or others create, maybe a few home and garden pics and well, whatever else takes my fancy really! I make really good banana bread, so might add that recipe as well. :-) 


 Above are my boys doing what they do best!

Fibre Arts are one of my 'things' with dyeing up my own sheeps wool and silk roving lots of fun!
Hand dyed wool roving
Silk hankies in the dye tub
Wool felt scarf in process

Hand painted Autumn themed scarf
Hand painting silk scarves and wall hangings started about 15 years ago with nuno and wet felting hot on its heels!


  1. Stunning scarf and I like all the color!

    1. Hi Marci
      Yes I do love colour! Thank you for dropping by.


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