Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Little Holiday

My babies
So the holiday season is upon us and with it the attendant 'busy-ness'. Catching up with friends and family, Xmas baking, decorations. Plus managing my online stores. 
But what is most important and top of the list of my priorities is spending time with my babies.
My son (on the right) is only home for a few short weeks from the Australian Army and my youngest daughter, who works away 'up North' is only home for a few more days before taking off with her partner to his families home in Quebec for Xmas. (that's a long, long way from little old Dunsborough in Western Australia!)

My eldest daughter is also busy being Mum to the two littlies, plus managing her own practice as an acupuncturist. 
So getting them all together is no mean feat and I am going to spend as much time with them as possible!

That means, something had to give and that will be here - no more posts for a few weeks. Though I will check out those I am following occasionally to see what exciting things you are up to. Plus closing my stores from Dec 18 until Jan 11. 

So to those who have taken the time to visit. Thank you. Have a great Holiday and we'll catch up soon.

x Julie

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