Saturday, December 5, 2015

Just a few random bits.

Ive been super busy this last week as a lot of us have been going into was is commonly termed around here as the silly season!

Adult children coming and going and wanting to be fed. Businesses to sort, houses to organise. And last but not least Xmas festivities and decorations. 

I am a wait till the last moment kind of gal and Christmas decorations don't tend to get started until the week before the big day. But you will all be pleased to know that I have started early!

Yes folks! I have made the ice blocks for the punch! :-)
Christmas Punch Ice Blocks
Plus, as we are hosting  the Hubby's family for a Xmas soiree this weekend, I thought I might have a go at the lovely Stephanie from The Enchanting Rose blog's Lemon Biscuits
Lemon Biscuits
 Mmmm! Nom, nom nom!Very yum, I did differ a tiny tad with the recipe in that I used Greens Lemon Cake mix and then iced the bikkies with the included lemon icing. Too easy! And were gone in a flash!

I also had time to escape to the studio to create the first of a series of mixed media Prayer Flags. Here is a tiny sample. I still have a touch of hand sewing to do and when its finished I'll get another pic up to share.

 Lots of layers, stamping , sewing and lace!

x Julie

1 comment:

  1. Oh Julie, your blocks are the punch are darling - what sweet shapes :)

    And my oh my, your lemon cookies look delicious! How I would love one right now while I finish my cup of coffee {{smiles}}

    Hugs and blessings to you!


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