Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Old School Apple and Cinnamon Scones (the back story)

It was smoko time and hubby was in need of some nurturing, so I was looking for a chocolate slice recipe in my stash of recipe books and came across one old, much loved, dog eared and missing cover book.
This little book had been created as a fund raiser for my daughter's primary school over 20 years ago, with the recipes donated by parents and images created by the students themselves.
As I was leafing through the book, I came across this recipe written by one of the children.

I think it best summed up what this particular little country school was about. Don't you think?

But to move on to baking goodies for hubby, I found an old school recipe for Apple Scones (I think they are called biscuits in the US and beyond. He will have to wait until next time for the chocolate slice. :-)

I hadn't baked these before, but they looked quick and simple. Plus of course they are vaguely healthy with the addition of fruit!
They ended up looking a bit flat and dark when baked to completion, but I think that was the addition of cinnamon and sugar dusting on top before baking. But OMG! - YUMMO! Eat them hot with slatherings of butter.( I did say they were only vaguely healthy!) They are to die for!
Definitely rustic looking, but worth a go for a quick treat. 

See here for recipe.

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