Sunday, January 17, 2016

Anemone Wool Felted Painting

My Mum passed away last year and one of the gifts I inherited from her was a love of flowers. She would grow them, embroider them, paint them on porcelain. I think that after my Dad, flowers were her great passion.

Roses were first on the list, closely followed by Renuculi and Anemones. In all colours! The garden was always full to the brim and Dad made sure that new ones were planted each year to add to the bounty.

Red Anemone
As I was browsing through a few of my photos I came across one image taken from Dads garden and thought this would make a nice wool felt and embroidered painting.
So gathering up my supplies it was time to play.

Wool Felt Floral Painting
Using different micron Merino wool roving which I had dyed myself. Some wool nepps and slivers of art yarn for texture.

Wool Felted Flower

Needle felting followed the wet felting to add a few details and then it was off to the machine for machine embroidery followed by lots of hand embroidery embellishments.

Machine and hand embroidery detail.
I think I may pop this one in a little box frame. :-)

Wet felted and embroidered Anemone by Julie Smith of  Sesenarts and Crafts

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