Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Silk Painted Hibiscus

Tropical Hibiscus Flower
I love flowers. Can't get enough of them really! 
We are establishing a garden in our new home and eight months ago started planting cuttings of plants propogated from our previous home. Most of the successful cuttings were hibiscus shrubs, which it seems all have started growing successfully! At last count we have 15 hibiscus plants in about 6 different varieties all starting to flower! This time next year, it should be an absolute riot of colour! 
Just my style really!

Most of my art is inspired by flowers and when this little hibiscus flower popped up, I had to get out the silk paints and play!

Hand painted Silk Scarf
Not quite as apricot as the above flower. But still nice and bright I think. :-) Perfect for summer.
Floral Silk Scarf

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