Friday, May 20, 2016

Decorated Pegs

Decorated Pegs

I was having a peruse in a little book from the library the other day on decorating your home in a shabby chic style. 
Now I have to admit , my decorating skills are more shabby than chic! But still, I do love the romantic style and I do love pastels!

One of the little ideas in the book was a pin up board with decorated pegs. I had the pin up board.
It was an old cork board which I had covered with fabric first then wound ribbon around it and stapled it into the frame at the back.
I was tucking pictures into the ribbon before, but they would tend to fall out. So these little pegs do the trick really well.

Easy peasy to do.

1. Grab some wooden pegs, (Ive used normal household laundry pegs)

2. Assorted acrylic paints. (I used matt acrylic Semco range from Spotlight )

3. Decorative buttons (I had some wood decoupaged with flower buttons lying around).

4. Strong adhesive glue. ( I used Craft Smart mosaic adhesive)

Once you have your supplies together.

1. Paint your pegs - couple of coats should do it. Wait to dry. After the paint dried, I gave the pegs a little sand to 'scrappy' up the edges a little.

2. Glue buttons to pegs - let them dry overnight.

Use them to peg up pretty banners, kids art, recipes. To do lists - no, not them. There's enough to do without having a 'to do' list as well!

Now that was easy!

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