Wednesday, November 25, 2015


A Winters Day
You know its 'one of those days', when all you want to do is hibernate.
I find peace in a certain amount of solitude.
I need regular 'time out'.

Is this an artist 'thing'? Or maybe just one of those 'woman things'?
Where we attempt to be all things to all people?

Lakeside Canada

I did not know what I was going to write about today
And was looking through some old pics
when these caught my eye,
They are memories.
Of quiet times
Quiet places

Cable Beach Australia
Places to reflect
To be at Peace
To find your way back home.


  1. Hello Julie~~ I've come to visit you through my dear daughters blog, The Enchanting Rose, your comment on her giveaway was so sweet that I had to come for a visit and meet you, so happy that I did.
    You have a lovely place here that I am looking forward to following.
    This post in particular is quite beautiful, your photos are gorgeous depicting the picture of quiet, relaxing places for ones soul. I found refreshment just scrolling through them, Thank you.
    I look forward to more visits with you.

    Joy! Debbie

    1. Hi Debbie. Thank you for dropping by and your kind comments. x Julie

  2. Oh yeah, that is, what I like at the winter: the quiet solitude to hibernate... and a warm home, when it snows... and when I must go/ride to nowhere (I have only a bicycle, not a car.. so my action-radius is smaller in wintertime)
    Beautiful memory photos, they nurish us during the cold grey time.

    1. I love Winter too Mascha. It is my favourite season, but then it is a lot milder here than where you live! To me, it is a green and fresh time, the chance to listen to rain on a tin roof. Summer is parched and brown and hot. x Julie


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